Friday, April 12, 2013

Bargain Lighting

Most people who've met me quickly figure out my obsession with lighting. I knew my addiction to all-things-lit had gotten pretty bad after my last project, which consisted of relighting 3 vintage street lamps. If you haven't seen the end result of that project, you should swing by the store...they are stunning.

In all my lighting adventures, I've found that you don't always have to spend a fortune to have a great light. Case in point: the recycled paper lanterns by BlueQ.

Yesterday, we got a fresh batch of new patterns, and they are nothing short of awesome. I'm particularly fond of the "peacock" lantern, which I find strange, considering my #1 fear in life is birds. Nonetheless, it's a fantastic light. The guys over at BlueQ must be on a things-that-fly kick, because we also have added a butterfly and dragonfly lantern. Here's a shot of those:

At only $12.95 a piece, these little guys are a true bargain. They could add a fun pop of color and light to any room, and won't break the bank doing so.

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