Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Better late than never.

The blog post is a little late today, but it's for a great reason.  All day, we worked non-stop in the store decorating for the holidays.  Green Roost is officially full of holiday cheer!

Loren (remember Loren?) was an honorary Green Rooster today and volunteered to help out. We have her to thank for our piggy-themed Christmas tree this year. She hung every single ornament on that tree. Wait until you see how amazing it looks. You'll want to take the completed tree home with you.

We also brought out the much-anticipated Balsam & Cedar candles. They were more popular than I could have imagined, we've already sold through half of them! Better gets yours fast...

As promised, here is a sneak peek at our 6 o'clock giveaway at tomorrow's Holiday Open House. In the 6 o'clock hour, we will be giving away last years best-selling candle, the Aspen Bay Jar in "Fire".

This candle has received quite the makeover.  It now comes in a recycled clear glass jar with a decorative metal lid. It's made in the US (Mississippi to be exact) of soy wax, and burns a whopping 85 hours. Wouldn't it be nice to take this treat home with you after a night of celebrating?

We hope everyone will stop by tomorrow night between 5 and 8.  Along with the wine tasting and trunk shows, we'll be serving up some good 'ol Apple Cider and cookies. It's going to be a can't-miss night, for sure.

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