Monday, October 1, 2012

Oh, Rascal...

On Friday, our friend the UPS man brought an old pal back to the store. Meet Rascal:

He's quite possible the best pet you could ask for. He's made of recycled newspaper. He's only 30 inches tall. He's doesn't require food or walking. And he's about the cutest darn thing you've ever seen. 

He comes to us from the west coast, courtesy of Roost, and we're glad he could make the cross-country trip. Wouldn't he be a great office pet? Or the perfect answer to apartment living? 

You can come see him at the roost, or have him shipped right to you from our online store:

The last time this little fella made an appearance in our store, he lasted all of 3 days. We're wondering how quick he'll find a home this time...

1 comment:

  1. I love this!
    He is so cute in person, and I'm glad blogged about this because then I could send the link to my friend whose family alawys has a Puli (that's what type of dog this is :)
