Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Green Toys

Every once in a while, a company gets everything right. Green Toys is one of those companies. Here's their story:

All Green Toys products are 100% made in the USA. To be more specific, they are produced in California, a state known for strict toy safety and environmental laws. It's cool to buy USA, but also think about this: transportation is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gasses. We all know driving less is good for mother nature, but did you ever think about how many miles a toy logs before it ends up in your local store?

Our toys are truly local creations. Every step in the process, from milk container recycling to toy production to final assembly, occurs in California. Our raw materials and toys aren't shipped from overseas, which saves a lot of energy and reduces greenhouse gasses. It also guarantees your toys won't get seasick before they get to your home!

They even have a cool counter on their website, letting the consumers know how many milk jugs they've recycled to date. As of right now, it's over 10 million!

Seriously, I can't find one thing wrong with their process. Not to mention the fact that their toys are amazing. They are durable, practical, and kids love them! Here's a look at just some of the Green Toys we carry...there's bunches more at the store.

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