Monday, April 30, 2012

Making old into new

Do you ever come into our store and wonder, "where do they get all that old stuff? and what do they do with it?" Well, this post will answer some of those questions.

When we expanded the store in 2010 and started selling refinished furniture and salvaged architectural pieces, we had no idea it would become such a large part of our business. We quickly learned that we'd have to make regular pilgrimages to keep our ever-rotating collection of old pieces fresh.  Soon after, the unexpected started happening...people were coming to us to sell their old pieces. Before long, we had offers of furniture, doors, windows, columns, and everything else you could imagine. It's a great way to meet new customers, buy unique pieces, and fuel our creative minds with new projects. 

This post is about the journey of a window that recently found it's way to Green Roost. As soon as the window was offered up, I new I had to have it, because it was as single-pane window, which is something I don't come across too often.

It sat around for about a week, until my creative juices started running and it hit me: this window would make the perfect dry-erase board!  I threw around ideas of a "to do list" or calendar or just a blank board...and ultimately decided to combine the three.

The project was much more daunting than I originally expected, but after LOTS of painters tape (I swear by 3M edge-lock), four days and three failed attempts, I figured it out.

It went from blue-tape-mess, to...

 Dry-erase calendar/to do list (please excuse the poor-quality iPhone picture) . 

Luckily, I learned a lot while making this window, and the next one won't take quite as long or nearly as many re-do's. Regardless of that, I'm in love with this little board, and imagine it will be going home with one lucky customer very soon!

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